Since I have told absolutely no one that this blog exists, I can't really expect any feedback here. But now I have a new forum signature and I plan on being a little more active in the online my work.
I thought that I would share what I did at work today since I decided not to work for the company. This is a character called the FLY.

Originally created by the legendary talents of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, in 1959, the FLY would not see the brighter side of the comic book industry (unlike his brother Spider-Man), with short lived publishing runs plagueing the character’s popularity, the FLY was left in relative obscurity, with his most recent publishing venture lasting under 2 years within the DC imprint !mpact Comcis.

The Fly is a character that I think has a great deal of potential and I have taken the liberty of trying to update him a bit for the purpose of submitting a proposal to Archie Comics requesting the revival of not only this character but a whole cavalcade of great heroes that have a history running just as deep as any of the Marvel or DC crew dating back to a publishing company called MLJ better known today as Archie Comics. Many of the MLJ characters inspired the creation and success of a lot of today’s top heroes and I just want to see that these MLJ heroes get a piece of the Pie that they helped to bake.

If you want to know more about the FLY/Spider-Man controversy, check out for the full scoop, you will never believe the story when you see it.
Anyway, this is what I decided to do at work today instead of servicing the company.
Let me know what you think and feel free to rate the image if you like. If you want to know more about the proposal for the FLY just ask, though I don’t really have that much together at the moment.
Just a note, the color image is what what was done today, the other pwncil drawings are a couple of months old at this point.
What's up man!
How dod you find this page? I haven't really shared this with anyone, just redirected the domain name.
My frist comment! Awesfome! Thanks for stopping by!
I saw this on the Image boards. You can't hide from me. ;)
It's on the DW boards too idn't it?
Erik Larson Just gave me a giant elbow from the top rope about the Dradon drawing I did on the Image Boards. How cool is that?
The Dragon is Savage. ;D
I think you still have the on DW. You needs to update so the peeps can find ya. Yeah, I saw Erik's comment. I'm gonna use that and try to do something in the inks to alleviate that (and possibly get a leg up on darkkni9ht and Vandal ;)). We'll see if we can't get some modicum of approval from Mr Larsen.
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