Hi everyone, or anyone. I don't know that the site gets much traffic these days, I can tell you that I am hardly ever here.

I have been feeling a little bit left of reality lately and have desired nothing more than my own demise. I think that this drawing is a little bit of what I am going through. Drawing can be a great outlet for frustrations that one experiences but I think that drawing is more or less a greater frustration than a release at this time and I don't think that it can save me this time as it has in the past.
Solace escapes me...
. . . .more likely I have chosen to not capture it.
I check your blog every day.
What's wrong? :(
Eric F., EnhanceMan
If you have decided not to capture or accept solace, then i will not get on your nerves with some blather. My 2 cents are just that i think that your drawing skills are awesome and(eventhough not the "right" people acknowledge that) I am thankful for every single piece of art from you that i see.
I actually come to your blog from time to time, but this is rather shocking and disturbing. I'm sure you don't need to hear this from me. But you're a very talented young man wrestling with some real demons. I hope you can find some help that can get you through this dark period. You still have a lot of fans out there (who can let you down, I know, I know) and you are missed. I'm just unemployed, so I'm going into a bit of a spiral too, but it's important to me that I have friends and family in my corner and God too (on most days). So I still put pencil to paper and create ( I just finished something today ) I'll never get paid for it, never will be recognized for it and will be ignored by the "fans" for The Next Big Thing. And Drawing won't save my soul either but for a few moments there is something in my life that I have complete control over... my own imagination. And I think that's something you have in spades. But art isn't always enough and I hope you can find your way out of this black hole you're in. But if you can't, please seek help on a psychological and spiritual level. We're all pulling for you.
To all of you,
I really appreciate the positive feedback here. I'm very sorry for the late additions of these comments I've just leanred how to use my blog. . . um 5 months later. I guess I should spend a little more time here.
I thank all of you for your support, and I know that I have a lot of good things going for me. I need to keep that at the forefront of my thought process and try a harder to make things happen instead of wallowing in self loathing and creating concern within the people who should never know of such personal matters.
Thanks again. All of you are great!
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