A Greater Victory

For those who don’t know, Victory was based on Wonder Woman, from the mystical origin to the bulletproof bracelets; just altered enough to fit into my “Comic Book Universe” and skirt Copyright infringement. Hence the wacky color scheme, which was WW’s Colors flipped, later the blue was made purple. It’s horrible.
So for the next few posts, I think that I will break down her design and see what can be done to get a new face on an old idea.

I think that I had that JSA classified #1 on my mind as I am still left speechless every time I look at it. My attempt is no where near as compelling as the work done by Adam Hughes on that cover but I really do think that it’s a fine drawing of the Superman that would be Oblivious.
I really like this pose, it’s easy to do and I think that the Champ looks pretty regal here, defiant, resilient & indomitable, someone that you really want on your side when the world is in trouble. The clouds suck, the air vehicle sucks, the cape is flowing agaist the grain of the clouds, yet I'm really happy with this drawing.
Let me know what you think.
No thoughts on this one!?! I thought there would at least be some appreciation for the shabby color work here.
I thank you for at least stopping by to take a look, there will be more soon.
Thanks ama!
Yeah, I'd lose the plane too. :)
Thanks for the great comment Random, I'll try to work some things out with the coloring as I get more stuff done.
Thanks again.
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