The Moron has arrived
So I'm a moron. I am not ashamed to admit it. You see all this time, I thought that no one was coming here or that no one was giving me any feedback on the work that I have been posting, it was me all along. I had place the comment setting on "Moderate" some time ago to see if I could intercept some of the spam posts before they got out of control.

I guess that I had forgotten about this alteration without realizing that the blog was storing all of the posts in a seprate potion of the controll panel, a place I never paid enough attention to, to even know that it existed. Thus, all of your comments and the spam have been sitting all these months waiting for my approval. I should really learn how to use the thing before I set it lose on the world.
I would like to thank all of you for your comments and support. I haven't been the happiest of campers of late and I'm really glad that

And thanks again to all of you for your support. . . . And Fett, I'm glad that you took the time to sign up to leave a comment, I really do appreciate that. So you know, I have restet the comments to allown anyone to post here, you just have to put in the word verification to enter your comment. So you'll never have to log in again.
Still Learning-E.J.
Yeah, that word verifier is pretty cool.
I had some trouble with some automated spam on my blog a while back.
The verifier should stop that & let legit folks comment.
Also remember that you can get all comments sent to you via email, so you can edit/delete them if you need to.
Eric F., EnhanceMan
Thanks for the email tip. I think that I'll try that.
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