Rated X
This one is an old drawing that I did at the request of one of the Board members of the Tyler Kirkham message board. Not that I am taking requests or that I was taking requests but the suggestion was Wolverine and he being one of my favorite all time characters, I just had to oblige.
This was done during a time when I thought that I would really revisit my ambition to get into the comic industry.

This drawing made it to the DW boards of course ad at the time, the Press Oblivion site had just finished a revamp complete with gallery & message board software. Were those good times? Hard to say.
Needless to say, that there are a million things wrong with this drawing, and I talked about them at length with the folks over at DW, everywhere else I placed this image, there was a lot of ass kissing. I hate that.
Issues like thinking through before committing to rendering to composition over rendering. BLABLABLABLABLA. . . . .. Despite my analytical dissection of this drawing, it has to be one of my favorites still. I feel that this drawing really creates a little story around the scene leaving the viewer to contemplate the events that led to the outcome depicted.
Let me know what you think!
You packed a crap-load of detail into this one! It's got a lot of power, which I think allows it to overcome a few flaws. Sabretooth's right hand looks a little unnatural. He's also looking in an odd direction. Overall, great stuff!
Just a quick question - would you mind if I posted some of your old artwork over on the Amazons forum (with a link to here of course)? I collected a bunch of great stuff from your old board that I'm sure people would love to see. Let me know!
Thanks for the comment!
. . . No I would rather that you didn't post any of my work anywhere. I'm not ready to make a return to the FMG community. I really apreciatethe support but I want to do that when I am ready.
Thanks for asking.
No problem. Take your time.
There appears to be a misunderstanding here. I said that it was OK for you to post a link on the Amaz0n boards not my work. I have requested that the thread be deleted. I hope that the moderator or the administrator will comply.
I think that your intentions were honorable, and I am glad that you are excited enough about the work that I do, to want to share with others but want to be in control of where the work is seen.
Now there is some controversy (Something that I can't get away from with the Stupid pseudonym) about my "return". I have not returned and I don't have any intentions of doing so right now.
I am glad to have your support but please don't post my work without my "say-so". I'd really appreciate it.
I'll remove my posting on Amazons immediatley. Please accept my sincere appologies - it was not my desire to misrepresent you or put you under any pressure.
As I said, I think that there was a misunderstanding here. That's all.
Thanks again for the support. I really appreciate it.
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