Cyber? is that still a term for having internet sex? I don't know anymore. I'm sure that chatting via the internet is still as popular as ever though I haven't uses any of those applications in a long time.
This post isn't going to be about the sex on the internet, Cyber is a concept that is not so unique in the comic book world, but it is what makes these characters interesting. Cyberforce.

This series of images were done more than a year ago as a jump start to a real career in comics. I thought that Image, more importantly Top Cow would be the place for me stylistically. I also thought that I might inspire a relaunch of the Cyberforce title if they saw what I could do with the characters. How's that for Pompous!?! But this, like so many other ideas, fell short of completion and now I have nothing to show for it. But that's OK there are a couple o compelling images here that I think have their own merit.

The first of which was perhaps my favorite of the group, Ripclaw.

Ripclaw popularity stems from his overwhelming Wolverine flavor with the mix of that bad boy attitude and the threat of slice & dice, he has managed to maintain his appeal despite his blatant "inspiration". This drawing takes an intimidating but subdued look at the character. I couldn't come to terms with the background on this drawing either thus the image feel just short of completion.
Much the same happened to the following drawings as I moved through an uninspired schedule to get the entire roster down in my own style.

I had this posted at the Top Cow message board for the longest time with infrequent updates featuring the rest of these images. After time and neglect, the thread was purged and the great comments from the community were lost.
There is a lot going wrong with so many of these drawings that I don't know where to start. So I won't. But what is ironic is that for every flaw there is something redeeming about all of these images. I could always go back to the drawings fix the issues and complete the images but what would that accomplish!?!
. . .Everything that wasn't accomplished before.
Holy smoke! WoweewowWOW! and @(&$#%%!!!!
Your work is just stunning. You manage to show immense power with just about every line. But most of all, I'm really glad you've found your way back to your muse. Thank you so much for sharing your images.
There seems to be a misunderstanding here. Though I really appreciate the support, all of the work that I have been posting this month is more than, or at least, a year old. I have not drawn anything in months though I have the itch to pencil to paper again, I just wnat to make sure that when I do, it will be something wothwhile.
Good to see you here Brad
Man, excellent work, as always. That Ripclaw pic is one of my favorites from you. I think I told you that a while ago. It has so much going for it... and I don't see it as "unfinished", as you say. That background is fitting.
I would love to see some new art, though. So get that pencil cracking, dude!
Yeah I'm that guy.
Great to have you here! Thanks for the support and the positive feedback. I hope to have something new soon.
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