Press Oblivion
The Drawings of E.J. Morges

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Warden Design Sketches

By request, here is another Warden Image that I did last year. I have a whole slew of characters with half ass designs, no real back story and a ton of potential. I think that Warden is a chracter with a ton of potential.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usIn this drawing I wanted to play with a couple of ideas that I had for the character including the purpose of the (barely there) armor. Feeling that this design is pretty solid I thought that I would throw in a couple of comic book cliche elements to add a cool factor to the over all look. I never really know that I succeed at anything that I really want to do with my characters, they all seem like good ideas at the time but when I reflect on what I have done, is it really any good?

Let me know what you think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another great drawing. I definitely see the Witchblade influence. What are her powers? (can't make out the writing too well)

Here's my personal take on some of your characters:

IDAL/SHANK - They strike me as your most original creations and the most thought out. If I recall, they're hunting down demons that are invading our world. Idal's the muscle and Shank's the tracker. Plus, I love that Shank has to teach the warrior-like Idal how to get in touch with her feminine side. Gold!

VICTORY - Visually stunning. I don't see her as a Wonder Woman clone as much as you might. Personally, I've always found Wonder Woman to be a rather dull character who just happens to look great.

COP/LIQUID METAL BABE - I've only seen a drawing or two of this character. She seems fascinating - a cop(?) with the ability to cover her body in some kind of bio-organic metal. What's her deal?

PUNISHER CHICK - Sorry, once again her name escapes me. This is the one in the skin-tight costume and Grifter mask. I remember you gave a brief description of her on your old site. She was a lawyer who had quit her job to become a stripper/vigilante. I'll tell you right now, that's hot.

I know you have other characters, but these are the ones that jump to mind. If you ever want to develop some of their stories, I'd be happy to help. Here's my email:


May 06, 2006 3:11 PM  
Blogger EJ Morges said...

Thanks for the offer! That's really cool of you.

The "cop" character that you have mentioned is not mine, but a character that belongs to Masschine. Her name is Tanya and I think that she is head of secutiry a scientific research facility.
She's really cool! I just wish that I has the man-balls to see her developed in comic form. Something I know Mass wanted too.

Exacution, the Punisher chick, is a charactert that I thought would have a few interesting stories but no real staying power.

All these characters weren't intended for anything less than a mature audience. Those types of books don't have any longevity anyway.

Thanks for the great response.

May 07, 2006 10:19 PM  

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