Now I'm Back! (2231 Unique Page Views)

This bug means that I have been spending a lot of time over at the DW boards (You'll Find a link to the right under "Great Message Boards" for them). If you are a fan of comic art, there is a great combination of Amateur and Professional talent alike that have great offerings of support & critique as well as stunning art. Check it out.
The Drawings that I have posted there thus far include these two new renderings of Doc Samson. I've always liked the character but never really knew much about him. The first is Samson sitting in his chair possibly analyzing a patient off the page. I find the image of the Brutish Body to be an interesting contrast to the analytical brain within. I was really happy with the outcome of this drawing but I need to get into creating some atmosphere. There have been some alterations to this drawing since this scan.

At the time of this post, there have been 2231 unique visitors to this site. If you know anything about running a web site you might know that this number is a little deceiving considering that not all of the visitors are human. But, Human or not there is a great satisfaction to knowing that there are so many views in just the month of May alone.
I also wanted to mention the inclusion of the "EJ's Favorites Gallery" to the right ot the weblog. Some of the images there are not featured entries on this blog. I thought that it would make for a nice touch to this page making more variety available than just what's entered here.
Thanks for lookin'
As always I am impressed by your skill and artwork, but the second picture of the two men facing each other has in my eyes a "minor" fault. It's the legs of the "doc". He is wearing baggy pants and compared to his awesome upper body, they are damned skinny. Considering that the pants hang loose over his legs, i.e. he doesnt even fill them, consider how his lower body looks like compared to his huge upper body. His legs would be about as skinny as that of the dude standing before him. To make it short - he looks asymetric. Just my 2 cents. Sorry, no hard fellings!
The legs on Doc are thin or are they?, someone mentioned that they see a little Texeria inmy work. That's not really the case but I do like his work a lot.
One mans "falt" is another man's "hey that's ok not too bad".
Thanks guys.
You really use cross-hatching well. There was an artist who used to draw for the old Conan black and white magazines named Rudy Nubres (I think) who's hatching is similar. His work was fantastic.
By the way, have you ever done a Gen 13 pic? I'd love to see your take on that gang.
Did you ask about the Batman Drawing? I posted links to a couple of images inresponse to that question. Check back on the Stryker post to see those images.
I haven't done Gen 13 but I did do a Fairchild once in the style of Jeff Scott Campbell:
Fairchild Drawing.
I also did a Sublime from DV8 in the style of Humberto ramos during the same time:
Sublime Drawing
Let me know what you think?
Just lost my first attempt at this post so this may be a bit shorter.
The DV8 and Fairchild pics you posted are almost perfect copies, but I sense that's not much of a challenge for you. I think you have a much more distinctive style than you realize, and not just in the way you render. A "Wrecked" picture has clean, confident lines, realistic anatomy and faces, dynamic poses and a general sexyness to it. If you were to apply that to Fairchild or Sublime, I think we'd see something really awesome.
I'm looking at these pictures again and thinking . . ."Man! This was in the mid 90's. Why am I not in the budsiness?". . . I think that I'll have to remedy that. Late, but not too late.
I'll have to try Sublime & Fairchild again some day, in my style and we'll see how it works.
Awesome drawings! The Doc Samson character is very underutilized and I'm glad to see your renditions of him. Sort of makes me think back to the drawing of a female Doc Samson that was done around a year or so ago.
Thanks for the comment.
I would love to do something with this character but what?
The strange idea of the team that they put together in last years mini series was something that really didn't work but there could be some potential there I think.
Thanks for the comment,
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