Champ & Vic: Flight
Made som revisions to the Drawing
Over 5000 Unique Visits Thanks Guys!
Here they are again,
I had a lot of trouble with this one, I'm sure that you can see all of the flubs and misses on this drawing. When I do one like this, it makes me feel as though I shouldn't bother with drawing. I can't tell you how many times I redrew Victory's face and the leg is just horrible, but what ever. Despite the shortcomings I can't help but be satisfied with this one.

Let me know what you think.
very dynamic picture. love the use of shading. must look great colored.
Thanks guys!
I made some alterations to the drawing.
I want to avoid the issue that I had with the Domino Lady Drawing, where I posted it here a multitude of times. I think that I'll throw it into the DW arena before I post, what ever would be the final, here or replace the one that is there now.
Thanks for stopping in and giving me your thoughts.
Glad to see more of Victory. Personally, I like it a lot. You've chosen a difficult angle / pose to undertake and I think you mostly nailed it. I guess sometimes the image in your head and the image you draw don't turn out the same, but keep in mind we only see the final product.
Looks really cool. I think her left arm is a little short. Like you tried to fit it in the page. I don't think you should be afraid to let her bleed off the page. Or maybe bend her arm a bit.
Dude, this is AMAZING Art! Better than most I've seen! I'm going to post your blog link on my blog is that cool? BTW, how do you get a counter to keep track of the hits? Thanks again EJ.
You're right, the drawing that hits the page is never, Never what I have in my mind. As you start working through it, you edit and tweak but at least there is something there of the true intention.
I see what you're saying here, the arm nay be a little short. There was plenty of page to have darwing it longer I just thought that the proportions were correct at the time. I look into working that out a bit.
Rudy Vasquez Penciler:
Thanks for stopping in Bro! For those of you who don't know Rudy, check out his weblog and Deviant Art account! He's an amazing illustrator with a very deep character.
On the navigation bar, there is a little counter under the blogger icon. You can click on that to take you to the site where I got it from, Once there, you can choose from a plethora of different free counters, sign up and they'll give you a little code that you can add to your template. That's what I did.
Thanks again for stopping in I really appreciate that you took the time out to do that.
You can see some minor changes here:
Champ Vic Flight Revision
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