Domino Lady: Inc.

I went out last week and dropped a bundle of cash on art supplies in an effort to make this look professional. I do not have a fondness for inking as some of you may know, I credit my deteriorating eye sight to drawing and mostly to the rigorous ink style that I developed in High school.
But I tried to look past my issues & history with inks to get this on done and I have to say that I really enjoyed the process. I use crow-quill nib for the finer details and a brush for the spot blacks and some of the tree textures in the background.
I think that I was able to harness a little control with the quill, but the brush proved to be the greater adversary on this drawing which prompted me to have to do some editing in Photoshop after the scan. That was great too, playing with the Path tool to clean up the image a bit has sparked the desire to try inking digitally the next time around.
Having the Graphic Design background really helps with getting around in these complicates Adobe Programs.
Thanks for stopping in,
i'm not an expert on inks, but it looks fine to me.
Thanks! :)
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