Have one on me Grievous!

I like Star Wars but I'm not really a huge fan. So when the next round assignment in the tournament offered up this scenario "Padamé & Grievous at a bar having a Drink", I about cried. This is a tough theme but it tests the ability of the illustrator to have the elements of the assignment and still come up with something interesting.
I noticed earlier in the week that other illustrators that had posted their assignments were running with a similar sort of campy/fun theme in their entries. This was my first thought as well when the assignment was posted but to see that so many went that route, I felt that changing direction would be more unique against the competition and the competition is very heavy in this round.
I like to try to tell a little bit of a story with what I do in these tournament drawings. With Thundarr I wanted there to be a reason for hisbarbaricc behavior and justification in killing the lizard-man. When I look at that drawing I start to play with the events that took place before the scene that tell the story of what may have happened to bring the characters to this point.
I wanted the same thing to happen in thisimage andd do something that might be moreplausiblee in the continuity of the Star Wars theme even though it doesn't jive with Star Wars actuality.
The addition of the Thundarr drawing in the background I thought would unify the entries of the two rounds well and pay homage to the decapitation theme that the two images have in common.
As always, let me know what you think! Oh and the voting for the last round went in my favor with 101 total votes for mine, leving me 24 ahead of the runner up. Not bad for a drawing I hated initially and didn't think anyone would vote for.
Man, your work here is just plain fun.
You've really been stretching yourself,
my friend. These are no mere pin-ups.
but real illustrations..that tell a story. Bravo.
This is just too much man. You are advancing at leaps and bounds and I am proud to call you a peer. Keep up the amazing work!
Thanks for the great comments guys, I really appreciate you stopping in and saying such nice things.
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