Savage Dragon
I posted this at two different forums and the drawing garnered a lot of attention, which was great. I had a lot of helpful comments and positive reaction. The fist link is to the Image Comics message board where this thread received a comment from Erik Larsen, Creator of the Savage Dragon and Publisher, Image Comics. It was a great honor to now that he liked the drawing. Below is the link to the thread, check it out and feel free to post your thoughts if you like.
The second link is to one of the greatest comic book art and discussion communities on the net today, Digital Webbing. This thread managed to score 5 pages of comments and responses even though most of them are mine. There are some really cool dudes there that have said that they would ink the stuff for me and can’t wait to see how it comes out. Again, check it out and leave a comment if you’re down.
And finally if you don’t want to mess with any of the message board stuff, here are the images as the drawing progressed.