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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Wanna Cyber?

This post isn't going to be about the sex on the internet, Cyber is a concept that is not so unique in the comic book world, but it is what makes these characters interesting. Cyberforce.

Much the same happened to the following drawings as I moved through an uninspired schedule to get the entire roster down in my own style.

There is a lot going wrong with so many of these drawings that I don't know where to start. So I won't. But what is ironic is that for every flaw there is something redeeming about all of these images. I could always go back to the drawings fix the issues and complete the images but what would that accomplish!?!
. . .Everything that wasn't accomplished before.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Core Oblivion

Here's the background image that makes this Blog so damn hard to read. I can't remember where or why I made this drawing, I assume that I was hanging out and had some down time.
Featured here are the core characters of the Oblivion Univers, minus Idal, who is the folcal point for all the mystic mayhem that would occur if this were a thryving comic book company as I hoped that it would be.
Top Left: Champion & Marshal Silver. Top Right:Exacution & the Undertaker (my First Comic Character)Middle: Victory. Bottom Right: Warden. Bottom Left: the Snake (my only published character).
Why do I like this drawing? Not Sure. I think that it's the only group image of the best of my characters. These are the core players that would never see the dark of cancelation if I were a comic publisher with the considerable longevity that DC and Marvel have endured. These are the chatacters that I would merchandise and turn into Multimedia. These are the Heart & Soul of Oblivion, the movers and the shackers. (And boy do I love it when the females Shake!). I hope to have more on some of these characters and perhaps one day I will post the Snake Comic to show all just how much potential I have thrown away over the years.
As usaul, let me know what you think.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Rated X
This one is an old drawing that I did at the request of one of the Board members of the Tyler Kirkham message board. Not that I am taking requests or that I was taking requests but the suggestion was Wolverine and he being one of my favorite all time characters, I just had to oblige.
This was done during a time when I thought that I would really revisit my ambition to get into the comic industry.

This drawing made it to the DW boards of course ad at the time, the Press Oblivion site had just finished a revamp complete with gallery & message board software. Were those good times? Hard to say.
Needless to say, that there are a million things wrong with this drawing, and I talked about them at length with the folks over at DW, everywhere else I placed this image, there was a lot of ass kissing. I hate that.
Issues like thinking through before committing to rendering to composition over rendering. BLABLABLABLABLA. . . . .. Despite my analytical dissection of this drawing, it has to be one of my favorites still. I feel that this drawing really creates a little story around the scene leaving the viewer to contemplate the events that led to the outcome depicted.
Let me know what you think!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Just Jen

I can see here that I need to work on Kids a little bit. I thought that it would be cute to see if a could show the kind hearted, playful nature of Jen as the little ones use her like a jungle gym. She has sort of a goofy grin but I think that I was really feeling the hair on this one. can You feel the hair? I can feel the hair! Hair is really important for being in hot chick mode, don't you think?
Think! Think! Let me Know what you think. And Feel free to rate the images at imageshack as well! Did you know that you can do that!??! You do now! Go! Rate! Hate! It's all that I ask.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Red Monika

Red Monika, of Battle Chasers comic fame, is a character that never really got a chance to get off the ground as far as I am concerned. Perhaps I am a little biased by the character’s ample attributes as soooo many of my own characters have similar features. I’m also a sucker for a redhead.
Others may not agree with me, but I bought Battle Chasers because I wanted to catch another glimpse of her latest endeavor or another tidbit into her relationship with Garrison or something greater about her past. Though I thought that the comic was great, the art fantastic, the characters interesting, the anime influence appealing, I bought the book for one thing in mind, buoyant boobs, sassy attitude and the indomitable will that is Red Monika!

I think that California proved to be a success but the thirst of Marvel Comics to sell more comics eventually brought Joe from his California career back into the comics fold. This Drawing was done in honor of his return to comics and was posted on the DW boards for comic fans, Joe fans and Red Monika Fans, to view.

Later I did a little coloring just for kicks; I never finished the color rendition.
So here’s to hoping that one day Battle Chaser’s is revived and that Joe has the god sense to spin Red off into her own comic.
Let me know what you think
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Warden Design Sketches

Let me know what you think.
Friday, May 05, 2006
A Greater Victory

For those who don’t know, Victory was based on Wonder Woman, from the mystical origin to the bulletproof bracelets; just altered enough to fit into my “Comic Book Universe” and skirt Copyright infringement. Hence the wacky color scheme, which was WW’s Colors flipped, later the blue was made purple. It’s horrible.
So for the next few posts, I think that I will break down her design and see what can be done to get a new face on an old idea.

I think that I had that JSA classified #1 on my mind as I am still left speechless every time I look at it. My attempt is no where near as compelling as the work done by Adam Hughes on that cover but I really do think that it’s a fine drawing of the Superman that would be Oblivious.
I really like this pose, it’s easy to do and I think that the Champ looks pretty regal here, defiant, resilient & indomitable, someone that you really want on your side when the world is in trouble. The clouds suck, the air vehicle sucks, the cape is flowing agaist the grain of the clouds, yet I'm really happy with this drawing.
Let me know what you think.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Females! Yay!

That said, I feel that I have not hit my own stride yet but I really feel that I am in the "hot babe" zone. One of my most recent influences in comic book illustration is Doug Mahnke. He is everything that I aspire to be as an Illustrator, a great anatomist, a dymanic story teller, he draws rock solid males with outstanding heroic proportions and is an absolute phenom when it comes to drawing the female form. I wish the dude had a website or something like this blog to get in touch with his fans. When it comes to T&A, his work is the forst thing that I will reference. I just hope that I'm not considered to be a clone of his because though I would love to make his style my own, I really want people to look at the work that I do and associate it to my name.
Onto the drawing: I did this drawing last year as in hopes of starting a lucrative side career on ebay, selling orignal images of everyones favorite characters. Here, the theme was "cousins". Who better than two of my favorite females and two of may favorite characters all onthe same page? I thought that it was a fun idea.
This drawing seems to suffer from the same things that all of my work does and that's when the figures are finished, so is the drawing. I wanted to have some sort of environment in the picture to show the destruction brought on by the battling Superman & Hulk, while the more level headed cousins let the boys be boys, at the same time giving the viewer a little cheese cake.
I really love this drawing, I think the the chicks are hot & buff while the characters in the background add a little comic releif, a prime example of my "hot babe"zone-age. You can't really see it in the online image, but She-Hulk is looking at the viewer along with Power Girl, it was misconstrued that Jen was eyeballing Kara's cleavage when I posted this last on the DW boards. Though female on female interest is a favorite topic of mine, I can say that it was not my intention to bring that to this drawing.
So do you think that this one has the chops to score me a big sale on ebay or should I leave the dreams of copyright infringement here on the blog where it can rest in peace?
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Trying to keep motivated

Onto the drawing: This is a character that I call Warden. This is yet another unoriginal character with root design based on Power Girl but overwhelmed by Witchblade trimming.
This sketch was done, like most have been of late, during down time at a local Duncan Donuts. I really spent a lot of time working on her look to combine that with slutty sexappeal and a subtle, flowing, elegance. I'm not sure that I really captured the elegance thing but I have to say that if I saw her saving my city, I would salute her from the middle like only a man can.
Anyway, let me know what you think.
Monday, May 01, 2006
The Moron has arrived
So I'm a moron. I am not ashamed to admit it. You see all this time, I thought that no one was coming here or that no one was giving me any feedback on the work that I have been posting, it was me all along. I had place the comment setting on "Moderate" some time ago to see if I could intercept some of the spam posts before they got out of control.

I guess that I had forgotten about this alteration without realizing that the blog was storing all of the posts in a seprate potion of the controll panel, a place I never paid enough attention to, to even know that it existed. Thus, all of your comments and the spam have been sitting all these months waiting for my approval. I should really learn how to use the thing before I set it lose on the world.
I would like to thank all of you for your comments and support. I haven't been the happiest of campers of late and I'm really glad that

And thanks again to all of you for your support. . . . And Fett, I'm glad that you took the time to sign up to leave a comment, I really do appreciate that. So you know, I have restet the comments to allown anyone to post here, you just have to put in the word verification to enter your comment. So you'll never have to log in again.
Still Learning-E.J.

I heard rumor that Archie is or has made an announcement about their characters and I think that they have a really strong roster to really compete with the other publishers. Only time will tell I guess.
The images above are from an old, and now defunct, thread at the digital webbing site. I started that thread to showcase some of my favorite villains in the Marvel universe but I had asked a bunch of the contributors there to add their favorite characters to the mix as well and there were really great responses to that call. I wish that I had saved those images so that we could still have them to view here, though nothing really beats the message board community structure there.
The first image is Scorpion, a long time Spider-Man villain that never really lived up to the potential that I have for him in my mind. I would love to get a hold of him and really give Spider-Man the nightclub parking lot beating he deserves. Strong, Agile and dynamic, I always felt that Scorpion could be the kind of adversary to Spider-Man that Sabretooth is to Wolverine, or that Venom is to Spider-Man presently.
Rhino has always been a favorite of mine as well and I think that it’s just because of the power that he wields. I like all of the really big guys with Hulking Power and indomitable resilience. This drawing garnered a lot of praise from the folks at the DW forums; I believe that it was a majority favorite. I like it because I think that I really captured the character well, really displaying all of his power in that attitude without having to show his form or his ability.
The rest were just sketches to keep the thread moving I guess but were done during nights out at the bars when there was serious down time. The Leader is a character with greater Marvel Universe disrupting potential who should be placed among the elite of the Villainy set alongside Doom, Magneto, Red Skull and others.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy, If you like what you see please say so. If not, please say so, though I have to warn you that I am very sensitive a prone to blubbering like a pussy.